Resolving the ‘App Not Installed’ Error on Android

Resolving the 'App Not Installed' Error on Android

22 May 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tech-Help

Encountering the “App Not Installed” error when you try to install an APK on your Android device can be frustrating. This issue can arise due to several reasons, ranging from signature mismatches to issues with Google Play Protect. This guide will walk you through the most common solutions to resolve this error.

Common Causes and Solutions

1. Signature Issues

One prevalent cause of the “App Not Installed” error is a mismatch in the APK signatures. When building your signed APK, ensure that you select both V1 (Jar Signature) and V2 (Full APK Signature) options. This is especially important for older devices running versions like Android 4.4 (KitKat).

  // Ensure both signature versions are selected
  android {
      signingConfigs {
          release {
              keyAlias 'your-key-alias'
              keyPassword 'your-key-password'
              storeFile file('path/to/your/keystore.jks')
              storePassword 'your-store-password'
              v1SigningEnabled true
              v2SigningEnabled true

2. Google Play Protect

On newer Android versions, Google Play Protect can interfere with the installation of APKs. Disabling Play Protect can sometimes resolve the issue:

  • Open the Play Store app
  • Tap on the Menu button and select “Play Protect”
  • Disable the “Scan device for security threats” option

3. Certificate Consistency

Ensure that you are using the same certificate for all versions of your app. If you try to install an APK signed with a different certificate from the one used for the currently installed version, the installation will fail.

4. Uninstall Previous Versions

If you have a previous version of the app installed, make sure to uninstall it completely. This includes checking for any remnants of the app under different user accounts on the device.

5. Android Manifest Configuration

Ensure that your AndroidManifest.xml file does not contain duplicate activity declarations and that attributes like android:exported are correctly set. For apps targeting Android 12, make sure to set android:exported="true" for your launcher activity.


Additional Resources

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For more information and to get started with Repeato, visit our Getting Started guide.

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