7 Screenshot and snapshot testing tools for mobile apps

snapshot and screenshot testing robot

18 January 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tools & Frameworks

In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, ensuring visual consistency and quality across devices is a paramount challenge for developers and QA professionals. Repeato, Swift Snapshot Testing, Screenshot-tests for Android, iOS Snapshot Test Case, Shot, Accessibility Snapshot, and Android Testify stand out as comprehensive solutions addressing this challenge.

These mobile apps screenshot testing tools are specifically designed to streamline the process of capturing and comparing UI snapshots, ensuring that your app’s visual presentation remains impeccable on every screen.

Whether you’re in need of screenshot automation tools that require minimal coding or more advanced snapshot testing tools that integrate with your existing CI/CD pipelines, this curated UI snapshot testing tools list provides a diverse range of options. From utilizing machine learning for fast execution with Repeato to leveraging the Swift-powered simplicity of Swift Snapshot Testing, these tools are crafted to enhance your app’s UI quality assurance process. As you delve into the specifics of each tool, you’ll discover features like deterministic screenshots, automated naming, and accessibility testing—a testament to the innovation these screenshot automation testing tools bring to the table. Select the right tool from our list and elevate your mobile app’s visual testing strategy.

Latest update: 1/12/2024, 1:25:33 PM
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A Comparison of 7 Screenshot and snapshot testing tools for mobile apps

Below is a comparison table that outlines various software products designed for UI testing and snapshot testing, highlighting their key features, platform compatibility, GitHub statistics, support inclusion, and ease of use:

Product nameShort description and featuresPlatformsGithub statsSupport includedEase of use
RepeatoNo-code, AI-powered testing with computer vision for iOS & Android. Supports cross-platform compatibility, integration with CI/CD, and scheduling.Android, iOSNot ProvidedVery easy to learn
Swift Snapshot TestingSnapshot testing strategies for UI elements, integrates with XCTest, supports custom strategies.iOS⭐️ 3480, 🍴 520, 📝 313,
Last update: 2024-01-02
Requires expert technical knowledge
Screenshot-tests for AndroidAutomates screenshot captures during Android tests, supports multiple configurations, integrates with CI.Android⭐️ 1725, 🍴 242, 📝 551,
Last update: 2023-11-14
Requires expert technical knowledge
iOS Snapshot Test CaseSnapshot testing of `UIView` and `CALayer`, integrates with CocoaPods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager.iOS⭐️ 1745, 🍴 219, 📝 358,
Last update: 2023-06-29
Requires expert technical knowledge
ShotScreenshot testing for Android views and Jetpack Compose, integrates with Gradle, CI/CD compatible.Android⭐️ 1135, 🍴 119, 📝 315,
Last update: 2023-09-06
Requires expert technical knowledge
Accessibility SnapshotRegression testing for iOS app accessibility, integrates with SnapshotTesting and iOSSnapshotTestCase.iOS⭐️ 459, 🍴 50, 📝 206,
Last update: 2024-01-03
Requires expert technical knowledge
Android TestifyCaptures and compares application view screenshots for Android, integrates with Android Studio.Android⭐️ 83, 🍴 4, 📝 645,
Last update: 2024-01-03
Requires expert technical knowledge

This table provides an at-a-glance comparison of various UI and snapshot testing tools, focusing on ease of use, platform support, and development activity as indicated by GitHub statistics. Products like Repeato offer no-code solutions, while others require expert knowledge. The GitHub stats provide insights into the community involvement and maintenance level of each project, with the stars indicating popularity, forks showing the extent of community contributions, and commit activity reflecting ongoing development efforts.

Let’s take a closer look at the 7 Screenshot and snapshot testing tools for mobile apps:


Developers and QA professionals understand the need for reliable mobile apps screenshot testing tools. Repeato addresses this by offering an efficient solution for automating UI tests on iOS and Android applications, without requiring coding skills.

Simplified Test Automation

Repeato’s no-code approach to screenshot automation testing tools allows for quick setup and easy test creation. The intuitive record feature mirrors mobile app interactions, simplifying test case development.

Versatile Framework Compatibility

With support for multiple frameworks like Flutter and React Native, Repeato is adaptable to various development environments, ensuring broad compatibility for UI snapshot testing tools.

Efficient Test Management

The tool enhances regression testing and bug tracking through organized test batches and detailed reporting, integrating seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines for continuous delivery.

Cost-Effective Testing

By streamlining test maintenance, Repeato proves to be a cost-effective choice for teams, reducing both time and resources needed to maintain a suite of automated tests.

User Endorsements

Satisfaction among users, such as Stefan Wolfrath and Ray Li, underscores Repeato’s capability to cut down on testing time and manage complex app configurations with ease.

Intuitive Operation

Leveraging record & play technology, coupled with computer vision and machine learning, Repeato enhances test robustness, allowing for effortless updates to test cases.

Comparison with Traditional Tools

Against traditional screenshot automation testing tools, Repeato stands out for its simplicity and reduced requirement for technical expertise, especially when compared to more complex frameworks like Appium.

Integration and Reporting

Repeato offers a straightforward path to integrating automated testing into existing workflows, facilitating device-specific testing and comprehensive test reports for thorough analysis.

For those in the market for mobile apps screenshot testing tools, Repeato offers a blend of simplicity, versatility, and cost efficiency, making it a suitable contender for teams aiming to improve their mobile app testing processes.

Pros and cons of Repeato

Pros of Repeato

  1. Simple and intuitive interface
  2. Easy setup process, no complex configurations needed
  3. Accessibility for both developers and non-programmers
  4. Supports various testing methods like clicks, drags and scripting
  5. Exceptional stability, no crashes or driver issues
  6. Regular updates with bug fixes and excellent customer support
  7. Great for mobile app testing, with efficient script creation
  8. Allows for hundreds of additional tests each day
  9. User-friendly, with easy adaptation and no initial setup required
  10. Recognizes elements using visual fingerprints for testing
  11. Allows for reusability and easy maintenance of scripts
  12. No prior training or complex coding skills needed

Cons of Repeato

  1. Some limitations for iOS applications when tapping on any system window outside of the app
  2. Access to CI/CD tools is only available at the enterprise level
  3. Occasional unknown errors while performing basic tasks, although they are quickly remedied in the next version.

Swift Snapshot Testing

SnapshotTesting is a Swift library that streamlines mobile apps screenshot testing tools for developers and QA professionals. It employs a snapshot testing approach, allowing comparison between current outputs and reference snapshots, ensuring UI consistency in Swift applications.

Simplified Testing with SnapshotTesting

The library’s ease of use is evident as it integrates seamlessly with Swift applications, requiring minimal setup. Developers can import the SnapshotTesting module and utilize the assertSnapshot function to commence testing UI elements and data types.

import SnapshotTesting
import XCTest

class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {
  func testMyViewController() {
    let vc = MyViewController()
    assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image)

Enhancing Flexibility in Testing

SnapshotTesting distinguishes itself with its support for a variety of snapshot strategies, catering to a broad spectrum of data formats. It enables developers to test visual and textual representations, promoting thorough UI evaluation.

assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image)
assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .recursiveDescription)

This tool is particularly versatile, offering device-agnostic testing capabilities, which are crucial for ensuring app compatibility across different devices and screen orientations.

Comprehensive Installation Options

Compatibility with Xcode 11, Swift Package Manager, Carthage, and CocoaPods ensures SnapshotTesting can be integrated into diverse development environments, streamlining the setup process for testing teams.

Feature-Rich Tool for Developers

SnapshotTesting is equipped with robust features, including custom strategy creation and a hands-off operation mode for automatic snapshot recording. It supports multiple platforms and offers specialized support for SceneKit and WebKit, among others.

Extending Functionality with Plug-ins

The SnapshotTesting ecosystem is further enriched by plug-ins and related tools, enhancing its utility for a range of testing scenarios, from HTML document testing to accessibility verification.

Open Source and Educational Resources

Dedicated to fostering a collaborative community, SnapshotTesting is open source under the MIT license and accompanied by educational resources for developers seeking a deeper understanding of its framework.

In conclusion, SnapshotTesting is a comprehensive solution for screenshot automation testing tools, providing a versatile and customizable approach to UI snapshot testing for Swift applications.


  1. Supports dozens of snapshot strategies for a wide range of value types.
  2. Allows for the creation of custom snapshot strategies.
  3. Requires no configuration, with automatic snapshot saving.
  4. Provides device-agnostic snapshot testing.
  5. Integrates seamlessly with Xcode for image and text difference reporting.

Github stats:

  • Forks: 518
  • Stars: 3453
  • Commits: 311
  • Last commit on: 2023-11-27T19:00:38Z

Screenshot-tests for Android by Facebook

As developers and QA professionals, selecting the right screenshot or snapshot testing tools is crucial for maintaining app quality. The Screenshot Tests for Android library is a valuable resource for generating screenshots from Android instrumentation tests, helping ensure visual consistency and catch regressions in your app’s UI.

Deterministic Screenshots and Development Utilities

This tool produces deterministic screenshots by utilizing Android’s measure(), layout(), and draw() methods, which is essential for reliable automated testing in a CI pipeline. It also provides utilities that allow for immediate rendering of views or layouts, facilitating a faster development cycle.

Compatibility and Integration

The library is compatible with MacOS and Linux, with ongoing efforts to support Windows. It requires Python 2.7 and the Python Pillow library for optimal functionality. Integration with Maven Central simplifies the inclusion of this tool in your project, and the Gradle plugin enhances ease of use.

Configuration and Remote Service Integration

Screenshot Tests for Android is designed with modularity in mind, offering different modules for tailored integration with your project. It also supports remote testing services, allowing you to collect and verify screenshots without direct ADB access.

Community Involvement

Contributions to the Screenshot Tests for Android library are welcomed, with detailed guidelines available for those interested in participating. The project benefits from an active community and is maintained under the Apache License, Version 2.0, to encourage broad use and modification.

By leveraging this suite of screenshot automation tools, developers and QA teams can streamline their UI snapshot testing process, ensuring high-quality Android applications.


  • Deterministic Screenshots: Produces highly deterministic screenshots using Android’s measure(), layout(), and draw() methods.
  • Development Utilities: Offers utilities for immediate view or layout rendering in a real Android environment, with support for multiple configurations.
  • Integration with CI: Enables reliable detection of visual regressions during automated testing in continuous integration pipelines.
  • Remote Service Integration: Supports a disconnected workflow with remote testing services, allowing screenshots to be collected, verified, and recorded using specific Gradle tasks.
  • Modular Structure: The library consists of various modules such as core, plugin, layout-hierarchy-common, and layout-hierarchy-litho for enhanced functionality and integration.

Github stats:

  • Forks: 242
  • Stars: 1723
  • Commits: 551
  • Last commit on: 2023-11-14T20:09:47Z

iOS Snapshot Test Case by Uber

iOSSnapshotTestCase streamlines snapshot testing in iOS development, a critical process for ensuring UI consistency. This approach is useful for capturing and comparing UIView or CALayer images with reference images, pinpointing any visual discrepancies.

Snapshot tests excel in UI development by confirming that visual elements remain consistent through various edge cases, such as text overflow, image scaling, and different visual states. The clarity of image diffs overcomes the challenges of interpreting geometric assertions, offering developers a precise look at changes affecting the end-user experience.

Integrating iOSSnapshotTestCase
Integration is straightforward with CocoaPods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager, catering to both Swift and Objective-C projects. Set up involves configuring environment variables within your test scheme to direct where reference and diff images should be stored.

Crafting Your Snapshot Test
Tests are created by subclassing FBSnapshotTestCase and utilizing the FBSnapshotVerifyView within test methods. Reference images are generated during an initial run with self.recordMode set to YES, and subsequent tests validate UI against these references.

Notable Features

  • Automatic naming for reference images based on test class and selector.
  • Detailed error messages for failed tests.
  • Support for multiple snapshots per test method with optional identifiers.
  • Compatibility with CALayer through FBSnapshotVerifyLayer.
  • Advanced options for capturing UI elements affected by visual effects, appearance, and size classes.
  • Filename control to accommodate different devices, OS versions, and screen sizes for comprehensive testing.

Considerations and Maintenance
Snapshot tests are best run in the Simulator’s “application” bundle to fully leverage UIKit. iOSSnapshotTestCase is maintained by Uber and is open-source under the MIT license, encouraging broad adoption and modification by the developer community.


  1. Automatically names reference images based on the test class and selector.
  2. Prints clear and descriptive error messages upon test failure.
  3. Supports optional identifiers for multiple snapshots within a single test method.
  4. Includes FBSnapshotVerifyLayer for testing CALayer.
  5. Offers fileNameOptions for control over image filenames, allowing for device and version-specific snapshot tests.

Github stats:

  • Forks: 219
  • Stars: 1740
  • Commits: 358
  • Last commit on: 2023-06-29T17:18:44Z


As developers and QA professionals, selecting the right mobile apps screenshot testing tools is critical for ensuring a consistent user interface (UI). Shot is a specialized tool for Android that simplifies the process of screenshot testing within your applications. It integrates a Gradle plugin and a core library, streamlining the creation of screenshot tests.

Simplifying Screenshot Testing with Shot

Shot is tailored for Android apps to capture and compare screenshots efficiently during the testing phase. It provides a ScreenshotTest interface and a ShotTestRunner to facilitate the integration into your existing development workflow.

How to Write Screenshot Tests

Whether dealing with traditional Android views or Jetpack Compose UI components, Shot enables developers to craft screenshot tests effectively. The setup includes a few modifications to your build.gradle files and ensuring consistent android:sharedUserId configurations.

Gradle Tasks and Execution

Leveraging Shot’s Gradle tasks, you can record, verify, and manage your screenshots with ease. Customizable based on your build types, these tasks support recording, downloading, and removing screenshots.

Additional Features and Compatibility

Shot offers features like setting tolerance levels for image comparison, CI environment integration, and detailed error reports for discrepancies. It is compatible with Android Gradle Plugin versions and supports Android library testing.

For those seeking screenshot automation tools or screenshot automation testing tools, Shot provides a structured approach for snapshot testing tools on Android platforms. While Shot caters to Android, iOS developers can explore Swift Snapshot Testing for similar capabilities.

In summary, Shot is a comprehensive choice within the UI snapshot testing tools list, designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of your screenshot testing efforts.


  1. Provides a structured approach for writing screenshot tests, including a ScreenshotTest interface and ShotTestRunner.
  2. Enables screenshot testing for both traditional Android views and Jetpack Compose UI components.
  3. Offers various Gradle tasks for recording, verifying, and managing screenshots.
  4. Allows setting tolerance levels for image comparison and generates detailed error reports.
  5. Supports integration with continuous integration environments and generates HTML reports for failures.

Github stats:

  • Forks: 119
  • Stars: 1134
  • Commits: 315
  • Last commit on: 2023-09-06T06:28:58Z

Accessibility Snapshot by Cash App

AccessibilitySnapshot provides a robust framework for regression testing of accessibility features in iOS apps. As a mobile apps screenshot testing tool, it captures and compares snapshots of the app’s accessibility hierarchy to uphold standards during app updates.

Key Features and Integration

Developers can use AccessibilitySnapshot to generate visual representations of accessibility elements and their properties, enhancing their UI snapshot testing tools list. Compatible with SnapshotTesting and iOSSnapshotTestCase frameworks, it requires an existing setup for snapshot testing with a test target that has a host application.

Installation Methods

  • CocoaPods: Easily integrate by adding pod 'AccessibilitySnapshot' to your Podfile.
  • Swift Package Manager: Include as a dependency in your Package.swift and test targets.
  • Carthage: Install the core accessibility parser via github "cashapp/AccessibilitySnapshot" in your Cartfile.

Usage and Customization

With SnapshotTesting, capture accessibility snapshots using .accessibilityImage and customize the display of accessibility activation points. For iOSSnapshotTestCase, utilize SnapshotVerifyAccessibility for similar functionality and customization, with support for Objective-C as well.

System Compatibility

AccessibilitySnapshot is compatible with Xcode 12.0+ and iOS 13.0+, ensuring broad applicability for modern iOS development environments.

Community and Licensing

The tool encourages community contributions under the Apache License 2.0, emphasizing extension sharing for collective improvement. Developers and QA professionals can rely on AccessibilitySnapshot for efficient and effective accessibility testing in their iOS applications.


  1. Captures and compares snapshots of an app’s accessibility hierarchy.
  2. Creates visual representations of the app’s accessibility elements and their properties.
  3. Integrated with SnapshotTesting framework and supports iOSSnapshotTestCase.
  4. Provides customization options for displaying indicators of accessibility activation points.
  5. Supports Objective-C for accessibility snapshot tests.

Github stats:

  • Forks: 50
  • Stars: 457
  • Commits: 202
  • Last commit on: 2023-11-17T01:00:45Z

Android Testify

Testify serves as a robust mobile apps screenshot testing tool, elevating Android testing by integrating screenshots into automated test cases. It’s designed to extend test coverage to the View-layer, enabling developers and QA professionals to capture and scrutinize the UI’s visual state, ensuring that any unintended visual changes are promptly detected.

Key Features

  • Seamless integration with Android Instrumentation tests and compatibility with Continuous Integration systems.
  • Configuration options for capturing screenshots across various emulators to test different resolutions, orientations, API versions, and languages.
  • Accurate UI representation by capturing bitmaps post layout and draw calls.

Setup and Integration

Setting up Testify is straightforward, requiring additions to build.gradle files and disabling system animations on test devices to prevent sync issues. The Testify plugin for Android Studio streamlines the developer experience, supporting functionalities like running and managing screenshot tests.

Test Creation and Management

Creating screenshot tests is simplified with Testify, allowing developers to extend ActivityTestRule and utilize the assertSame() method for UI validation. Baseline image management is facilitated through Gradle tasks, enabling easy recording, verification, and maintenance of UI snapshots.

Documentation and Community Support

By visiting testify.dev, developers can access extensive documentation, tutorials, and code recipes, which are instrumental in writing effective UI tests, reducing flakiness, and boosting productivity in Android app development.


Testify is available under the MIT License, ensuring free usage and distribution while maintaining the necessity to include copyright notices. It emphasizes that the software is offered without warranties, aligning with the open-source ethos.

For developers and QA teams looking for a snapshot testing tool that offers screenshot automation tools within the Android ecosystem, Testify provides a comprehensive solution to maintain high-quality UI standards in their applications.


  1. Testify allows for capturing screenshots with different resolutions, orientations, API versions, and languages by configuring various emulators.
  2. It provides the ability to group screenshot tests by device characteristics.
  3. It captures bitmaps after all layout and draw calls are complete, ensuring an accurate representation of the UI.
  4. The tool integrates seamlessly with Android Instrumentation tests and can be used directly within Android Studio or through Gradle command-line tools.
  5. Testify is compatible with most Continuous Integration services.

Github stats:

  • Forks: 4
  • Stars: 80
  • Commits: 637
  • Last commit on: 2023-12-10T17:42:09Z


In the landscape of mobile test automation tools, we have a diverse set of options that cater to different needs and technical proficiencies. From open-source libraries like Swift Snapshot Testing and Screenshot-tests for Android to more comprehensive frameworks such as Repeato and Shot, each product offers unique advantages.

Swift Snapshot Testing and iOS Snapshot Test Case are both free, open-source tools tailored for iOS, integrating seamlessly with XCTest and offering device-agnostic snapshot testing. Their pricing advantage is clear, but they require a deeper technical understanding, reflected in their ease of use rating of 5.

Screenshot-tests for Android and Shot, on the other hand, provide deterministic screenshot capabilities and Gradle integration for Android, also as open-source solutions. However, like their iOS counterparts, they demand technical knowledge for effective use.

Accessibility Snapshot focuses on iOS app accessibility by capturing snapshots of the app’s accessibility hierarchy, integrating with other snapshot testing frameworks. With a technical knowledge requirement and an open-source model, it’s a niche tool for ensuring accessibility compliance.

Android Testify offers screenshot capturing and comparison for Android, with seamless integration into Android Studio and CI services, but again, it’s geared towards those with technical expertise.

Repeato, our product, stands out for its no-code, AI-powered approach using computer vision, suitable for both Android and iOS. It offers a free plan and the ease of use is rated at 1, indicating its accessibility to professionals and non-programmers alike. The Pro plan, priced at €120 per month per user, includes advanced testing capabilities and priority support, while the Basic plan at €70 per month per user provides unlimited monthly testing minutes and a robust set of features.

In conclusion, while open-source tools offer cost advantages, they generally require more technical know-how. Repeato, with its intuitive interface and no-code solution, provides an accessible and powerful alternative for those looking to streamline their mobile app testing process. For more insights into mobile test automation and related topics, explore our articles on test debt, low-code test automation, and Android automation services, among others.


How do I manually test a mobile app?

Manually testing a mobile app involves executing test cases by hand to verify the functionality of the app. It includes checking the UI elements, workflows, compatibility on different devices, performance, and more. For a comprehensive checklist, refer to our article on mobile app testing.

How do I run a screenshot test?

To run a screenshot test, you can use tools like Repeato, which automate the process of capturing and comparing screenshots for visual regression testing. For Android, tools like Screenshot Tests for Android can be used to ensure UI consistency across updates.

What tool is mobile application testing?

Mobile application testing can be conducted using various tools depending on the testing needs. Repeato is a versatile app test automation solution that supports recording and replaying user interactions for both iOS and Android apps. Learn more about Repeato’s features here.

What is the screenshot testing tool for Android?

For Android, a popular screenshot testing tool is Screenshot Tests for Android, which automates the process of generating and comparing UI screenshots across different devices and configurations.

What is snapshot in software testing?

Snapshot testing in software testing refers to the process where a snapshot of an application’s UI or state is taken and compared against a reference snapshot to detect changes or regressions.

Is snapshot testing the same as unit testing Jest?

No, snapshot testing is not the same as unit testing. While Jest can perform both, snapshot tests are used to capture the state of a UI component and compare it to a previous snapshot, whereas unit tests check the correctness of individual functions or components through assertions.

What is snapshot assessment?

Snapshot assessment in software testing is a method to evaluate the current state or behavior of a software application at a specific point in time, usually for comparison purposes during regression testing or for visual verification.

Which library is used to run snapshot testing?

For JavaScript applications, the Jest testing framework is commonly used for snapshot testing. It provides built-in support for capturing and comparing snapshots of React components or other serializable values.

Is there a way to automate screenshots?

Yes, screenshots can be automated using tools like Repeato, which not only captures screenshots but also automates interactions for mobile app testing. This helps in performing visual regression tests efficiently.

What is the best tool for screenshot?

The best tool for screenshot testing can vary based on specific needs. Repeato offers an easy-to-use, no-code setup for automated screenshot testing, particularly beneficial for mobile app developers.

Can power automate take a screenshot?

Power Automate, Microsoft’s automation tool, can be used to automate tasks, but it does not natively support taking screenshots. However, custom integrations or third-party tools may provide this functionality.

How do I take a screenshot in Automation Anywhere?

In Automation Anywhere, you can take a screenshot by using the ‘Capture Screen’ action in a task. Specify the screen area or window to capture and the destination to save the screenshot.

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