
Find the best plan for your current needs.
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$70per month and user Order


$120per month and user Order


Price upon request
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Test Automation
Monthly testing minutesunlimitedunlimitedunlimitedunlimited
Android tests ℹ️
ℹ️ on physical devices or emulators; This is the maximum of tests in your library. You can delete old and create new tests at any time. You can run tests as many times as you want.
iOS tests ℹ️
ℹ️ on physical devices or emulators; This is the maximum of tests in your library. You can delete old and create new tests at any time. You can run tests as many times as you want.
Test batch composer
ADB commands
JavaScript commands
Command line execution
Text assertions
Pixel perfect assertions
AI vision (assertions per month)201001000100k
Cloud devices (minutes per month)55120600
Test Reporting
PDF reportsdemo accessdemo access
Jira integration
Test batch reportingdemo accessdemo access
Cloud storage20MB100MB1GB10GB
Advanced features
Switch-device testing ℹ️
Multi-device testing support. Allows you to automate test cases that involve 2 or more devices (or users).
Screenshot testing
Test batch scheduling
Test sharing between users
Project workspaces
Test versioning
Continuous integration
Customer Support
Email support
Priority support via Slack

Frequently asked questions

How can I upgrade, downgrade, cancel my subscription?

You can do so anytime – just drop us a message at, we'll get this done for your immediately.

Can I get a discount?

We offer discounts for NGOs, educational purposes, and annual subscriptions. None of this applies to you, but you simply lack budget these days? Drop us a line at, we’ll see what we can do for you.

How does billing work?

We are using Stripe for charging your credit card and auto generating invoices once a month. Invoices will go automatically to your email inbox.

How does team management work?

If you are managing a team of testers, we will give you a single license code that enables you to add and remove team members via

How is Repeato different from other testing tools?

There are dozens of UI testing tools out there. Espresso, Robotium, Appium,, you name it. Most of them lack one thing: Simplicity. Repeato does not rely on the underlying structure of a UI for testing. Instead it uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms. Thus, you can build robust tests in just a few minutes.

How secure is Repeato?

Based in the EU, Repeato is underlying some of the most strict data security guidelines, namely GDPR. You find detailed information in our public privacy policy.

Can we run Repeato on our own infrastructure?

You can run both Repeato Studio and Repeato CLI (the headless test runner), completely isolated on your own machines.

I need to pitch Repeato to my team/boss

You can always book a call with us, and use the Repeato fact sheet as a summary to put on their table.

For other questions about Repeato's pricing, or for questions related to features, check out our FAQ page.

Time to get your hands on!

Download Repeato now, speed up your testing and get your apps out in less time with less bugs!