With a robust educational background in media-informatics from TU-Vienna, Austria, Stephan Petzl has been a dynamic figure in the software engineering and consulting domain since 2003. His professional journey, enriched by diverse experiences with numerous companies, took a significant turn in 2015, when Stephan developed a keen interest in test automation. This marked the beginning of an in-depth exploration into the niche.Over the years, Stephan has published dozens of insightful blog posts, becoming a go-to source for understanding the intricacies of test automation tools, as well as unraveling common issues and their solutions. His commitment to the field is evident not only in his writings but also in his ongoing research, where he delves into the latest advancements in test automation.A particular area of interest for Stephan is the intersection of test automation and artificial intelligence. He is constantly on the lookout for new developments in AI that can revolutionize test automation, making it more efficient and effective. His expertise and dedication to sharing knowledge make Stephan Petzl an authoritative and trustworthy voice in the realm of test automation.