Understanding Import Statements in React: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Import Statements in React: A Comprehensive Guide

17 December 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tech-Help

When working with React, developers often encounter two different ways to import the library:
import * as React from 'react'; and import React from 'react';.
While these import statements appear similar, they have distinct differences that can impact how your code functions.

Key Differences Explained

The two import styles stem from the way JavaScript modules are handled by different systems.
The import * as React syntax imports everything from the React module, effectively treating React as a namespace.
In contrast, import React only imports the default export from the module.

Despite their differences, both work in the context of React due to compatibility layers implemented by tools like Babel and TypeScript.
These tools help normalize module behavior, allowing developers to use both import styles interchangeably.

Behind the Scenes: How It Works

React itself is not an ES6 module, but rather a CommonJS module.
This means that it uses module.exports for its exports, which is not directly compatible with ES6’s import syntax.
To bridge this gap, bundlers such as Webpack and Rollup, alongside transpilers like Babel and TypeScript, offer solutions.

For instance, TypeScript provides the esModuleInterop option, which aligns its module handling closer to Babel’s.
This allows for the use of ES6 import styles even when working with CommonJS modules.

Practical Implications

Understanding these differences is crucial when configuring your project.
Ensure that your bundler and transpiler settings are correctly configured to handle module imports according to your project’s needs.

For more detailed guidance on configuring your development environment, refer to our Advanced Configuration documentation.

Streamlining Your Development Process

As you manage your React project, consider integrating tools that can automate repetitive tasks, such as testing.
Our product, Repeato, offers a no-code test automation solution for iOS and Android apps, including those built with React Native.
Repeato’s capabilities in creating, running, and maintaining tests through computer vision and AI can significantly enhance your development workflow.

Learn more about how Repeato can simplify your testing processes by visiting our React Native Testing page.

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