Resolving the “sqlite3: not found” Error on Android Devices

Resolving the "sqlite3: not found" Error on Android Devices

30 November 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tech-Help

Encountering the “sqlite3: not found” error while trying to open a database using the adb shell can be frustrating. This issue typically arises when the sqlite3 binary is not installed on your Android device. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a solution to this problem, providing step-by-step instructions to help you successfully execute sqlite3 commands.

Understanding the Issue

The error message sqlite3: not found usually indicates that the sqlite3 binary is not present in the system path of your device. This is common in many Android devices where sqlite3 is not installed by default, especially on older models like the Nexus One.

Solution: Installing sqlite3 on Your Device

One effective method to resolve this issue is by manually installing the sqlite3 binary on your device. Follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. First, ensure your device is rooted. This solution involves modifying system files, which requires root access.
  2. Open a terminal and start the adb shell:
  3. $ adb shell
  4. Gain superuser access:
  5. $ su
  6. Remount the /system directory to allow read/write access:
  7. # mount -o remount,rw /system
  8. In a separate terminal, navigate to the directory where your sqlite3 binary is located:
  9. $ ls
  10. Use the adb push command to transfer the sqlite3 binary to your device’s SD card:
  11. $ adb push sqlite3 /sdcard/
  12. Back in the adb shell, copy the binary to the /system/bin directory and set the appropriate permissions:
  13. # cat /sdcard/sqlite3 > /system/bin/sqlite3
    # chmod 4755 /system/bin/sqlite3
  14. Remount the /system directory as read-only:
  15. # mount -o remount,ro /system
  16. You should now be able to use sqlite3 from the shell:
  17. # sqlite3 /data/data/com.example/databases/example.db

Alternative Solutions for Non-Rooted Devices

If your device is not rooted, you can still run sqlite3 by using the run-as command, assuming your app is debuggable. Push the sqlite3 binary to your app’s internal storage, set executable permissions, and run it from there. This method, however, is limited to apps with debug permissions.

Enhancing Your Testing Workflow with Repeato

For developers looking to streamline their testing processes, especially when dealing with complex setups like adb commands, consider trying Repeato. Repeato is a no-code test automation tool that simplifies the creation and execution of automated tests for iOS and Android apps. With built-in support for adb commands, Repeato can help you automate tasks like installing binaries and executing shell commands, saving you time and reducing the potential for manual errors.

To learn more about how Repeato can enhance your testing workflow, visit our documentation page.

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