Resolving Jest Timeout Issues in Front-End Testing

Resolving Jest Timeout Issues in Front-End Testing

21 May 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tech-Help

When running front-end tests with Puppeteer and Jest, you might encounter the error message:
“Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.”
Despite specifying a longer timeout for your tests, this issue can still occur randomly. This article will guide you through understanding why this happens and how to resolve it effectively.

Understanding the Issue

The error typically occurs because the default timeout in Jest is set to 5000 milliseconds. Even if you specify a longer timeout for your individual tests, Jest’s default configuration might still impose the shorter timeout, leading to unpredictable test failures.

Solutions to Override Jest Timeout

Here are a few methods to resolve the timeout issue:

1. Setting Timeout Globally in Configuration

One of the most effective ways to handle this is by configuring the global timeout in your Jest configuration file. This ensures that all tests adhere to the specified timeout.

      // jest.config.js
      module.exports = {
        testTimeout: 30000, // Set global timeout to 30 seconds

2. Configuring Timeout for Individual Tests

You can also specify the timeout for individual tests by passing a third parameter to the test function.

      describe("Profile Tab Exists and Clickable: /settings/user", () => {
        test("Assert that you can click the profile tab", async () => {
          await page.waitForSelector(PROFILE.TAB);
        }, 30000); // 30 seconds timeout for this test

3. Using Setup Files for Configuration

Another approach is to use setup files to configure the timeout for all tests. This method can be especially useful if you have multiple test suites.

      // jest.config.js
      module.exports = {
        setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.js'],

      // jest.setup.js
      jest.setTimeout(30000); // Set timeout to 30 seconds

Additional Tips

Ensure that your tests are correctly structured and that all asynchronous operations are properly awaited. In some cases, adding a done callback to your tests can help manage asynchronous operations more effectively.

Leveraging Repeato for Efficient Test Automation

If you’re looking to streamline your testing process further, consider using Repeato, a no-code test automation tool for iOS and Android. Repeato allows you to create, run, and maintain automated tests for your apps with ease. Its intuitive test recorder and scripting interface enable both novice and advanced testers to automate complex use cases efficiently.

Repeato’s fast editing and running capabilities, powered by computer vision and AI, can significantly reduce the time you spend debugging timeout issues. For more information, visit our documentation or check out our latest updates.


By configuring Jest correctly and leveraging tools like Repeato, you can mitigate timeout issues and ensure your front-end tests run smoothly. Implement the solutions discussed in this article to enhance the reliability and efficiency of your testing process.

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