Finding Elements by ID in Appium: A Comprehensive Guide

Finding Elements by ID in Appium: A Comprehensive Guide

10 November 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tech-Help

When working with Appium for mobile automation testing, locating elements accurately is crucial for the success of your tests. In this guide, we will explore various methods to find elements by ID in Appium, ensuring that your test scripts are both efficient and reliable.

Using Element ID in Appium

The most straightforward way to locate an element by ID is to use the method. This method is particularly useful when the element’s ID is known and unique within the application. Below is an example of how to implement this method:


In this example, txtLogin is the ID of the login button within the app package com.example.testapp.

Alternative Methods for Locating Elements

While using the element ID is a common approach, there are several other methods to locate elements in Appium, especially if the ID is not available or unique:

  • By Class Name: Utilize findElementByClassName() when you know the class name of the element.
  • By XPath: XPath is highly flexible and allows for complex queries, including conditions and relationships.
    driver.findElementByXPath("//android.widget.Button[contains(@resource-id,'digit5') and @text='5']");
  • By Link Text: Use findElementByLinkText() to locate elements by their displayed text.
  • driver.findElementByLinkText("Enter Name").sendKeys("Hello");

    Considerations for Older Android Versions

    For Android API levels below 18, direct element ID access might not be supported. In such cases, using the UIAutomatorViewer tool can help identify element properties, which you can then use to iterate through elements and find the desired one.

    public List getWebElementList(By by) {
        return driver.findElements(by);
    public void details() throws InterruptedException {
        List weList = getWebElementList(By.tagName("android.widget.EditView"));
        for (WebElement we : weList) {
            if (we.getText().toLowerCase().contains("login")) {

    Enhancing Test Efficiency with Repeato

    While Appium provides various methods to locate elements, test execution might sometimes be slower or less stable. This is where tools like Repeato can make a significant difference. As a no-code test automation tool for iOS and Android, Repeato leverages computer vision and AI to create and run tests quickly. It offers a faster and more stable alternative to Appium, ensuring that your test automation is both efficient and reliable.

    For further reading on setting up and enhancing your test automation strategies, visit our documentation section.

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