Developing a Framework for Visual Regression Testing

Developing a Framework for Visual Regression Testing

16 July 2024 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment QA

In the realm of software quality assurance, ensuring that web pages render correctly across different environments is crucial. Automating this process can significantly reduce the time and effort required for manual regression testing. This article provides a guide on how to develop a framework for visual regression testing, leveraging image processing tools and techniques.


Visual regression testing involves comparing screenshots of a web page before and after a software update. The goal is to identify any unintended visual changes that may have occurred. This technique is particularly useful for detecting discrepancies in the appearance of rendered web pages, thereby ensuring a consistent user experience.

Choosing the Right Tool

Several tools and libraries are available to assist with visual regression testing. Below, we discuss some of the most effective options:

Google QualityBots

Google QualityBots is an open-source tool designed for comparing websites on multiple versions of Chrome. It can be highly effective for visual regression testing. More information about QualityBots can be found on Google’s testing blog and the project page.


ImageMagick is a cross-platform imaging library and command-line tool that offers functions for comparing images. It is a robust choice for identifying differences between screenshots. Teams have successfully used ImageMagick to highlight differences and determine their significance.


Sikuli is another tool worth considering. It uses image recognition to automate and test graphical user interfaces. Sikuli can be particularly helpful for visual comparison tasks.

Implementing Visual Regression Testing

To implement a visual regression testing framework, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your testing environment, ensuring that you have the necessary tools and libraries installed (e.g., Selenium, ImageMagick).
  2. Capture baseline screenshots of the web pages you want to test.
  3. After applying software updates, capture new screenshots of the same web pages.
  4. Use your chosen tool to compare the new screenshots against the baseline and identify differences.
  5. Review the differences to determine if they are significant and require action.

Practical Example

Consider using ImageMagick for visual regression testing. Here’s a basic example of how you can integrate it into your Selenium tests:

// Capture baseline screenshot
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
File baseline = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(baseline, new File("baseline.png"));

// Capture new screenshot after update
File newScreenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(newScreenshot, new File("new.png"));

// Compare screenshots using ImageMagick
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("compare", "baseline.png", "new.png", "diff.png");


Visual regression testing can greatly enhance the reliability and consistency of web applications. By automating the comparison of screenshots, teams can quickly identify and address visual discrepancies, ensuring a seamless user experience.

For teams looking for a no-code solution that simplifies the process of creating and maintaining automated tests, consider using Repeato. Repeato is a test automation tool for iOS and Android that leverages computer vision and AI. It allows you to create, run, and maintain tests with ease, making it an excellent choice for quality assurance.

For more information on Repeato and its features, visit our documentation page.

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