The 6-step Mobile App Testing checklist

30 November 2021 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Manual testing, QA

The mobile app market is unabashedly thriving. With countless companies releasing new apps every day, it’s increasingly important for your app to stand out from the rest. A key differentiator is app quality: your app must be bug-free and provide users with a pleasant experience. But how to get started with mobile app testing? Here comes a mobile app testing checklist to assist you in this endeavor.

#1 Lay the foundation

Before you start testing, you need to define the how, what, and when. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for this, and we recommend that you take the time to clarify the following points:

  • Test automation. What do you need to test manually, and what can you automate? As a rule of thumb, consider automating tests that are repetitive, time-consuming, or too tedious for a human tester.
  • Test prioritization. You can hardly test everything, so you need to assess and prioritize tests to meet your minimum quality standards.
  • Test targets. You need to test your app on different devices and OS versions. Create a list of platforms and prioritize your users’ most popular platforms.
    Consider using services like AWS Device Farm so you don’t have to set up a test infrastructure yourself.
  • Testing tools. Depending on your use case and whether you’re developing for Android or iOS, you have many tools available. For example, try Repeato for automating UI tests and Cucumber for BDD-style tests. You may also want to use a test case management tool like Testrail and track issues with Experiment to find the right tools!

#2 Test for functionality

Functional testing ensures that all of your app’s features work as expected on different platforms, helping you verify that the app meets your implementation requirements. Take this into account:

  • Device functionality. Test the required device capabilities on various platforms and ensure functionality on different viewports, screen sizes, and orientations.
  • Integrations. Ensure that all service integrations such as GPS, payment functions, or social media are working correctly.
  • Everyday use. Test app behavior in everyday situations like answering a call, switching apps, receiving and opening a message, resuming the app after a call, etc.

#3 Test for performance

Performance testing helps you assess your app’s responsiveness, scalability, and speed under different circumstances. Note that this involves much more than just making sure the app loads quickly:

  • Must-tests. Be sure to test your app under different traffic and stress levels. Test how long it takes to install, launch, and uninstall your app and how it behaves when the battery’s low.
  • Network conditions. Most apps require an Internet connection to be fully usable. So your app needs to behave appropriately under various conditions such as changing networks, different connection states, and network types such as 2G or 5G.

#4 Test for security

We use mobile apps for everything from creating simple to-do lists to managing our bank account. Users trust that their data’s safe and that your app doesn’t open a backdoor for malicious attacks. Consider the following points for your mobile app testing checklist:

  • Data transfer and storage. Test the security of APIs, databases, and local storage to prevent deadlocks and data loss. Encrypt sensitive data and use SSL for data transfer.
  • Input validation. Ensure that outsiders cannot compromise your databases or code via form inputs.
  • Advanced security features. Use and test facial recognition or fingerprint functionality on modern devices. The same goes for two-factor authentication and other authentication technologies.

#5 Test for accessibility

Your mobile app’s users are diverse, and they may have impairments that prevent them from using your app. Not only is it morally right to make your app usable for all, but you may also be required by law to meet accessibility standards. Here’s what to consider when testing:

  • color ratios
  • font sizes
  • speech recognition
  • screen readers
  • assistive technologies like VoiceOver or TalkBack
  • zooming
  • readability
  • navigation

#6 Test for user experience

All points in our mobile app testing checklist are critical to the user experience (UX). Because only a well-rounded app will deliver the look and feel you want. Here are a few additional considerations for excellent UX:

  • Localization. Your app must provide consistent quality regardless of the current language. To test this, you may need to bring a native speaker on board.
  • UI elements. The design of your app also plays a big role in differentiating it from other apps. Test all UI elements and how they respond to different user interactions.
  • Structure. Review the hierarchy and navigation of your app. Does it make sense? Is it convenient and allows the user to move seamlessly from point A to point B?
  • Copy. Text must be clear and understandable, regardless of length. This is especially true for button labels, error, and success messages – make sure they’re clear and readable.

mobile app testing checklist

Extended Overview

Testing a mobile application can be a daunting task, but following a comprehensive checklist can help ensure that the process is well-organized and thorough. Here is a mobile app testing checklist to help you cover all the essential aspects of mobile app testing.

AreaTesting Criteria
FunctionalityTest all the app’s functionality, including all features, buttons, and links.
User InterfaceTest all UI elements for responsiveness, consistency, and ease of use. Verify that the UI is consistent across all device types and screen resolutions.
CompatibilityTest the app on different operating systems, devices, and network conditions. Ensure the app works seamlessly on all platforms and devices.
PerformanceTest app response time, loading time, and resource utilization. Ensure that the app performs well under different scenarios like low memory or low battery.
SecurityTest the app for security issues like data leakage, unauthorized access, and tampering. Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted and secure.
UsabilityTest the app for usability issues, including navigation, readability, and user experience. Make sure the app is easy to use and understand.
LocalizationTest the app for localization issues, including language and cultural differences. Make sure the app displays correctly for the targeted audience.
RegressionTest the app for any new issues that may have arisen from previous testing or updates. Ensure that all previous issues have been fixed.
AutomationUse automation tools to test repetitive and time-consuming tasks to save time and resources. Ensure that automation tests are thorough and accurate.

Follow this checklist to ensure that your mobile app testing process is efficient and thorough. Remember to test the app under different conditions and scenarios, and to prioritize user experience and security. Testing plays a vital role in creating a successful mobile app that meets user needs and expectations.

Create a winning test strategy with our mobile app testing checklist

Thorough testing can ensure that your mobile app is high-quality and provides users with a flawless and enjoyable experience.

So what’s next? Make this mobile app testing checklist your own by adapting it to your use case. This way, you’ll be on the right track to developing a successful testing strategy for your mobile application.

Happy testing!

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