How to fix ‘No MediaQuery widget found’ Error in Widget Tests

22 October 2023 Stephan Petzl Leave a comment Tech-Help

Widget testing in Flutter is an essential part of ensuring your app’s UI components work as expected. However, you may encounter the dreaded ‘No MediaQuery widget found’ error when running your widget tests. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of this error and how to fix it.

The ‘No MediaQuery widget found’ error typically occurs when you’re trying to run widget tests with Flutter that depend on a MediaQuery widget in your Flutter app. The MediaQuery widget is essential for obtaining information about the screen’s size, orientation, and other display-related properties. When it’s missing or improperly configured in your test environment, you’ll encounter this error.

Common Causes of the Error

Several factors can lead to the ‘No MediaQuery widget found’ error:

  1. Missing MaterialApp: Your widget tests might not have access to a MaterialApp widget that wraps the tested widget. The MaterialApp typically provides the required MediaQuery widget in a production environment.
  2. Using tester.pumpWidget Incorrectly: Ensure that you correctly use tester.pumpWidget to build the widget tree for testing. It should include the necessary MaterialApp and MediaQuery widgets.
  3. Testing Widgets That Require a MediaQuery: Some widgets rely on a MediaQuery to determine their layout or behavior. If you’re testing such widgets, make sure to provide a proper MediaQuery widget in your test environment.

Fixing the Error

To resolve the ‘No MediaQuery widget found’ error in your widget tests, follow these steps:

1. Wrap Your Widget in a MaterialApp

Ensure that the widget you’re testing is wrapped in a MaterialApp widget. The MaterialApp provides the necessary MediaQuery widget for your tests. Here’s an example:

testWidgets('My Widget Test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
  await tester.pumpWidget(
      home: MyWidget(), // Your widget under test

  // Your test logic here

2. Configure MediaQuery for Testing

If your widget relies on specific MediaQueryData values, configure the MediaQuery widget in your test environment accordingly. You can use the MediaQuery constructor to set custom values:

testWidgets('My Widget Test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(
data: MediaQueryData(
size: Size(320, 480), // Set your desired screen size
child: MyWidget(), // Your widget under test

// Your test logic here


The ‘No MediaQuery widget found’ error can be frustrating, but it’s essential to understand its causes and how to address them. By ensuring your widget tests have access to a MaterialApp and properly configuring the MediaQuery widget when necessary, you can successfully run widget tests without encountering this error.

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