Screenshot Testing is a powerful software testing approach that visually captures and validates the user interface of an application. By taking snapshots of the UI at specific points during testing, you can quickly identify any unexpected visual changes or discrepancies.
If you are new to screenshot testing, here is a video that explains the very basics of it:
In this video, we’ll walk you through the different ways to screenshot test your app UI using Repeato Studio.
When you execute a test and it succeeds (all steps green), Repeato creates a “reference test run” and for each step a “reference test run screenshot”.
Those screenshots are used for comparing and calculating screen similarity in the following test runs. So when you run the test a second time, Repeato will calculate screen similarities for all steps.
So now what happens if you then add some more steps and rerun the test? Repeato will calculate the screen similarity for only the steps with reference screenshots. The new steps that were just added will not have reference screenshots, so it will not be able to compare them.
Anyway, it will compare those screenshots that are available. For the new steps, it will show an “original screenshot” in the report instead. That is the screenshot that was taken when the step was recorded.
As soon as the next test run succeeds and all steps are green, Repeato will create a new reference test run, and the following test runs will again contain screen similarity results for all steps.